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Information Literacy

Before beginning your assignment, it is important to create a research plan. This will help you organize your thoughts and create the most successful project outcome. Pre-research will help you determine what important questions you would like to answer through your research – leading you to a topic. Knowing your topic will help you create keywords to search in order to find reliable information for your project. The information below will help guide you through the process of research planning:

Presearch video

Framing a problem video

Choosing your topic

Setting an agenda for your research article 

Creating a research plan video

Narrowing your topic video

Planning your research article

Doing Preliminary research article

Searching your topic article


To gather information on your topic, it is important to know where to look. To get a feel for your topic, feel free to start with a simple Google search. This can help you understand the topic better before you start your research. Though Google can be great for this pre-research into your topic, it does not always contain the most reliable information. Use Google and Wikipedia to find keywords that will help your in-depth searches later in the research process. The resources below are to help you, the writer, get a better understanding of the topic you are working with:


How a Google search works video

Getting Started with Wikipedia video

Transitioning from Google/Wikipedia to Databases video

Using the internet article


Once you have gained a better understanding of your topic, you can begin more in-depth research. 

Indepth Research, Outlining and Writing video

Using Libraries video



You will want to look for reliable information to use in your project. Following the steps of the CRAAP test will help you determine what is appropriate for your academic papers and assignments. 

Evaluating Sources with the CRAAP test

Considering the Facts article

Evaluating Your Resources article 



Credit to Undergraduate Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for the above infographic.

Credit to the Illinois Library for the above infographic. 


Once you have chosen a topic and completed your research, you can start to put the pieces of your assignment together. Most likely, this is in the form or a paper or project. Using research and critical thinking skills, you will combine the information you have gathered to answer the question or problem you have posed. The information below will help guide this process:

 Knowing when to stop your research article 

Writing a thesis statement video

Evidence-based reasoning video

Introduction to analysis video

Anatomy of a research paper video

Paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting video  

Paraphrasing and summarizing an article

Quoting article 

Preparing for a presentation video