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Hester Memorial Library Policy Manual: Academic Freedom and Censorship

This manual of library policies including job descriptions, is helpful for general knowledge and for persons responsible for college and departmental accreditation documents.

Academic Freedom and Censorship

The University explicitly protects the principle of responsible academic freedom for faculty members. This principle may at times be tested when the selection of library materials is challenged on moral issues, religious issues, racial issues, or on other grounds. Because of this, the following guidelines have been established to deal with challenges to selected materials.

  • Challenges to materials will first be addressed informally. The Director of University Library Services and any affected faculty will meet with the complainant in an attempt to resolve the situation. If the complainant’s concerns are not satisfied through this informal meeting, the Dean will request that the complainant file a written request for formal review of the material.
  • Requests for formal review of material will be made to the Provost. Upon receiving such a request, the Provost will appoint a 4-member review committee and designate a chairman. The committee will consist of one student, one staff member, one teaching faculty member, and one professional Librarian. The committee will be charged with reviewing the material with respect to the complainant’s objections. A report of the committee’s conclusions will be sent to the University President, Vice President of Academics, Director of University Library Services, affected faculty members, and the complainant.
  • If the complainant’s concerns are not satisfied by the committee’s report, the complainant will be invited to meet with the University President to review the entire process. The decision of the President at this point is final and will be appropriately conveyed to all persons involved.